Wednesday, 27 May 2020

My post about me.

Today I was learning replace an image and how to change the background color easier.
I enjoyed knowing how to change the back ground color easier just by clicking the slide with 2 fingers and going to background and it makes it easier and writing a little bit about me was little bit fun.
I found it challenging to understand on how to replace the image because I didn't know how I would fit the picture of me in the circle until I read the information on the side to know how to do it.
My digital learning object shows I can replace images, use the camera app, change text and backgrounds and embed my DLO in my blog.
Next time I would change my picture and the font and maybe put a bit more details about me and who I am.

Monday, 25 May 2020

My online connect 4.

This term my teachers gave us a Stem challenge and it was to make an online Connect 4.
Today I was learning how to make an online game using digital shapes.
I enjoyed making the shapes and coloring because coloring is the funnest part and making the shapes are fun because you get to choose any shape you want.
I found it challenging to understand if I should make every shape rainbow but I realized that if all the shapes on the side were all rainbow we wouldn't know which one is which.
My digital learning object shows I can replace images, use the camera app, change text and backgrounds and embed my DLO in my blog.
Next time I would change some colors of the shapes and maybe do other shapes too.

Friday, 22 May 2020

My distance learning reflections.

This term my teachers have given me a slide about my distance learning from at home or school and they put 5 questions for us to answer.
I enjoyed answering the questions because it makes me think back on my learning and what I did.
My digital learning object shows my reflections on what I liked about distance learning and other stuff.
Next time I might change the fonts and the color of the bubbles to give it a bit more color.

Thursday, 21 May 2020

My origami crown.

Today I was learning how to make an origami crown with 2 things and a bit of perseverance.
I enjoyed the folding the most because it's really fun and it's the easiest part to do.
I found it challenging to know where to glue and where not to glue because I there was certain places I thought needed gluing but actually didn't. I started realizing a lot of things during making this paper crown.
My digital learning object shows my daily challenge proof and what I learnt.
Next time I would change the paper because the paper I used was a bit like card board and because it would be easier to fold.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

My S.T.E.M challenge.

This was really fun but extremely tiring. This in total took around 5 hours or more to draw and that's because I every detail takes a lot of work to do when coming to drawing, and I had to take breaks because I wanted and my mum said to take him out for a play and stuff. And also I didn't finish my daily challenge or art challenge because this one took way to long and I was getting really tired, and I didn't want to stuff up the rest of my work.
Today I was learning how to make a Tessalation using colored pencils or felts, a pencil, an black sharpie or felt or even an ink pen, paper and tape.
I enjoyed the coloring the most because I could play around with them and it's the funnest part when coming to a rainbow drawing.
I found it challenging to perverse and keep going because on how tired I was and how my hands were starting to hurt.
My digital learning object shows my artwork and about what happened and how I felt doing it.
Next time I would change it by putting the colors in a different order and maybe make a different shape.

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

My art challenges.

These art challenges were super fun and involved a lot of folding and coloring. The hardest and the one that took the longest was the Dragon because I had to cut the eyes, teeth, the squares on the tail, and the wings out carefully and it was quite a challenge.
Today I was learning how to make a finger puppet dragon, a pull card and animal book marks.
I enjoyed making the dragon the most because it was really fun and it looked cool when it was done and it was fun to cut and fold the paper too.
I found the dragon one challenging because I was getting stuck all the time and I had to rewind and see what you had to do and because I was getting confused on what to do.
My digital learning object shows my learning at home and some really cool folding art work I did.
Next time I would add some color to the pull card to a make it interesting and to a make one ore animal book mark.

Monday, 18 May 2020

Lock down Hero's.

Today I was learning how to create a medal using shapes and lines, and also learning about Lock down hero's.
I enjoyed making the medal especially coloring it and changing the fonts of my writing.
I found it challenging to come up with a person I was going to do the medal for, because I wanted it to be a specific person who has done well and deserves it.
My digital learning object shows digital art of my medal to my mum and why I am giving it to her and a bit about Lock down hero's.
Next time I would like to change the font of all the writing to make it look a bit more artistic.

Friday, 15 May 2020

My Quick write about the famous land marks.

This Week, everyday I was writing about famous landmarks. The one I liked best was the Statue of Liberty because it was super interesting to me how the 25 windows in the crown represent gemstones.
Today I was learning about 5 famous landmarks which are the Statue of Liberty, The great wall of china, Taj Mahal, Pyramid of giza and Machu Picchu.
I enjoyed finding out different facts about each different land mark and I thought it was super cool.
I found it challenging to find heaps of differnt facts for Taj Mahal and Machu picchu because there wasn't much facts that was for kids that I could understand.
My digital learning object shows different famous landmarks with facts about them.

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

10 really cool facts you might want to know.

This week was interesting but fun. The part I liked the most was learning and writing all the facts because they were just really interesting and I learnt more, but I only wanted to put a certain amount of facts so I could fit 3 pictures on the side.
Today I was learning different and really cool facts that were mind blowing, interesting and some were a bit weird but cool to know at the same time.
I enjoyed everything it was super fun and I was learning too, but at home and it's online learning.
I found it challenging to put it in my own words because I just felt like copying but I know that's wrong to do.
My digital learning object shows 10 different facts and what I have been learning at home.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

My art I did during Quarantine.

This year during Quarantine, I was drawing and doing online school work. I thought I would get out of my comfort zone and post about what I have been doing. I really hope you like my slide!!!
I enjoyed talking about what I did and talking about my art which is out of comfort zone which is good because I am challenging myself.
I found it challenging to take the photo because me and mum couldn't fit it in the photo because the pictures are pretty big.
My digital learning object shows my drawings and what I have been doing during Quarantine and school time.
Next time I would change do the photos individually so I could close up on the pictures so you would see them clearly and better.

Thursday, 7 May 2020

My mothers day picture.

Next week on Monday it's Mothers day and Me and my sister love making cards for our family and so I drew a picture that says Mum in the middle I really like it, and it took so long to do, so I hope she likes it. The part really liked about it was the colors in the word MUM because of how it stands out and it just looks really cool.
I enjoyed the coloring because it's really fun seeing when it starts of white and boring going to a complete transformation to when it's colored.
I found it challenging to sketch the letters because whenever I tried to do an M it would turn out a bit different which is okay but I wanted to fix it up a bit.
My digital learning object shows what I was doing during quarantine and the colors I used and all sorts of information about what I did.
Next time I would I might do it again some time and use different colors each time I do it because everything just can't be the same colors all the time, it would be boring.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

My mothers day Rose.

This week is going really well because it's so close to mothers day, I love mothers day because it makes my mum really happy. Today my art challenge was to make a origami rose, it was super fun and it's for mothers day.
Today I was learning how to make a origami rose out of paper, scissors and color pencils for my mum.
I enjoyed coloring the rainbow boarder and making it because it was super easy because because there was only 4 steps, and I had the equipment to make it.
It wasn't really that challenging but doing the cursive letters was a bit hard.
My digital learning object shows how my learning went through out making it and how I made it.
Next time I would add a black background after the rainbow boarder just to make it stand out a bit more.

Monday, 4 May 2020

Making Vanilla ice cream.

This term / This week we made home made vanilla ice cream using a video the teachers gave us and the cool thing is we only needed 3 things, you will find out what they are when you read the slide.
Today I was learning how to make Vanilla ice cream using 3 ingredients and an electric mixer.
I enjoyed having fun and making it with my little sister Paige because it's an no device activity.
I found it challenging to find the ingredients because people are going crazy over them in the shops.
My digital learning object shows how to make Vanilla ice cream and what to use to make an delicious and yummy ice cream made at home.
Next time I would change the amount of condensed milk I put in and use a measuring cup.